More than a sourcing platform

Recruiting requires multiple tools. We know the pain of using multiple tools at the same time. We’ve got you covered with these tools integrated into our platform with no additional cost, Free!

Inbuilt Outreach
Task Management With Recruitiqa
Task Management
Team Chat Recruitiqa
Team Chat System
Calendar & Real Time Reports
Calendar & Real-time Reports

Save time!

Let Recruitiqa Source Candidates for You

Candidate profiles are delivered quickly and efficiently through our platform, meaning you can review & rank live submitted profiles and reach out to them instantly.

Our platform can save up to 22 hours per week for each recruiter.

Stop relaying on job posting applications and reviewing irrelevant candidates.

Get 80-90% of qualified profiles in every batch and start filling jobs quicker.

Recruitiqa can be used for Free!

How Recruitiqa works?

How It Works post a job-01-01
Post a Job

Post your job in minutes by describing your requirements. Then, our platform immediately makes your job live and automatically assigns our expert Sourcers for on-the-spot sourcing.

Human-Intelligence Sourcing

We have a core focus on finding top candidates for hardest to fill jobs, our dedicated expert Sourcers will leave no stone to represent the best-qualified candidates.

Expert Screening/Vetting

In addition, we have a special QA and talent mapping team to do some random QA before we represent the submitted candidates to you so you only receive the top qualified profiles.

Screen & Outreach

Review & rank live submitted profiles and disqualify the ones you don't want to engage. Create a custom & personalized email and send it on one click. Receive candidate replies directly in your inbox.

Interview & Hire!

Send personalized interview requests to the strongest candidate directly from the platform, spend more time on candidate engagement and building relationships. Hire Top Candidate, faster.

Unlimited hiring at an Unbelievable price
with Recruitiqa Pro

Say goodbye to high recruiting fees. We have a subscription based model. You only pay for Recruitiqa’s qualified sourced profiles. We don’t charge like recruiting agencies who take a percentage per candidate placement.

Add unlimited users with no additional cost, all recruiters and hiring managers can work together collaboratively. Our platform allows employers and recruiters to get more output with more consistency and speed.

Recruitiqa’s Sourcing

Recruitiqa uses 20+ highly skilled dedicated talent sourcing experts, with expertise in a variety of industries to deliver the highest quality candidates to you.

Our Expert Sourcers run the search all over the web, including dozens of professional and social networks. And representing you the up-to-date candidate profiles that are easy to review in seconds. Recruitiqa's candidates are screened and well formatted.

Candidate profiles are delivered quickly and efficiently through our platform, meaning you can review & rank live submitted profiles and reach out to them instantly.

Inbuilt outreach

Integrated Outreach

Integrate your own email in one click. Send the job description emails directly from our platform and get higher response rates by providing a direct, personalized line of communication. Receive candidate replies directly in your inbox.

Recruitiqa’s internal team has pre-written the email templates just for you. You can also write and save your own personalized templates.

Get verified emails, phone and social profiles

Recruiqa’s expert Sourcers use various data sources, contact finders, and chrome extensions to find verified contact and candidate’s professional & social network profiles.

Complete talent pipeline in one platform-01

Complete talent pipeline in one platform

Our all-in-one talent sourcing platform and mini applicant tracking system could be the backbone of your talent acquisition team or recruiting process.

With our top-of-the-range sourcing support, pre-built outreach and top-notch platform, allows recruiters to work on more jobs and make more hires.

Top-notch Sourcing

Handover sourcing to Recruitiqa. Save hours by getting quality candidates.

Diversity Sourcing

Supercharge the team by having the diverse candidates that suit your unique requirements.

Expert Screening

We perform random QA before we represent the submitted candidates

Customized Resumes/CVs

Get well documented and easy to read resumes by having all the necessary experience & skills listed.

Talent Mapping

Request talent mapping to know the candidate pool according to skills, qualifications and location.

Passive Sourcing

Transform the passive candidates into active candidates. Perform initial screening by engaging with them.


With Recruitiqa, you will have

Less Sourcing
Cost Reduction
Qualified Candidates

Hiring remote talent or freelancers? We’ve
got you covered!

We support and run remote talent sourcing as per the request with no additional costs.

Employees would prefer to work remotely, if they could 0

Employees say that a remote job would make them less likely to quit their current company 0

Remote workers are happier at work 0

Hiring remote talent

Chat System, Task Management
& Time Blocking is Important!

With Recruitiqa’s embedded task management and calendar, you will boost your time management and productivity.

Recruitiqa offers an integrated team chat app that simplifies team conversations and organizes team tasks & actions more efficiently.

Ketan Jajal

It's truly amazing! Instead of a recruiting agency, we used Recruitiqa to hire our core team members. They sourced 50 local candidates, we selected and contacted 44 top profiles. Out of which we interviewed 6 interested candidates and hired two Top Players! As a startup, we don’t have a dedicated Recruiter in the team, and Recruitiqa's on-demand talent sourcing platform works as the entire recruiting team for us.

Ketan Jajal Founder & CEO at Jajal Medical Services

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